Italian coins Repubblica

Description and catalogue value of italian coins 1943 - 2001.
500 lire caravelle500 lire braille

Italian coins Vittorio Emanuele III

here you can find a catalogue of
Vittorio Emanuele III coins.
Italian Coins Vittorio Emanuele IIIibidem

Error Euro

If you are interested in some Euro errors of the European Mints.
Euro Error
All the information about errors I've found on the net about the Euro.

Italian Euro

A Short description about the Italian Euro.

Italian Euro Italian Euro

Vatican Euro

A Short description about the Vatican Euro.

Vatican Euro Vatican Euro

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FAQ - numismatic

Most requested questions.

How do I navigate this website?
Where can I find out what my Coin is worth?
Where are other related numismatic websites?
How can I advertise on The Canadian Coin Reference Site?
What is numismatics?
What coins do people collect?
What's the best way to start collecting?
Where can I find collectible coins?
What is grading of a coin?  
How the price of a coin can be determined?
How the price of a coin can be determined?
What's the best way to clean my coins?

How do I navigate this website?

Attilacoins Site was developed to be user friendly. Simply use the menu on the left to select a numismatic topic of interest. If you have any comment or suggestion let us know.

Where can I find out what my Coin is worth?

Ask to us and we'll asnswer you as soon as possible.  We have also listed many books/catalogues on our Directory page. We have started a list of some dealers on our Directory, you can email directly if you are interested in buying or selling coins.

Where are other related numismatic websites?

We have tried to bring you as much information as possible on the Directory where we have listed many important and resourceful numismatic websites.

How can I advertise on Attilacoins Site?

For Banner Advertising or Dealer Directory Ad listing rates please contact us. 

What is numismatics?

A simple definition of numismatics is the study or collection of currency like coins, paper money, tokens and medals. Numismatic items are collected and studied for many reasons, including their historical significance and artistic merits, as well as their role in commerce. A coin have numismatic value, beyond its monetary value, when there is a demand of it: higher it is the demand of an item compared with the quantity available on market greater will be its value.

What kind of coins do people collect?

What to collect is entirely up to the collector. Among the most popular types of collections are world coins (coins from several countries) that can be by date or by type, ancient coins, and coins of a particular country. Some specialization is ordinarily helpful. If collecting from a particular country, you can work on one or more series, an historic moment, a type set, commemoratives, errors, paper money and many others.

What's the best way to start collecting?

Buy a catalogue before you buy a coin and have an information about its value. Anyway if you like a coin buy it and don't think too much, most collector act like this even if thay say not. But remeber: Knowing the coin you are going to buy (Before you buy it of course) it is the best way to do not waste money.
Collecting coins from circulation is a great place to start. The risk is negligible (you can always spend the coins), and you can learn a lot examining your coins carefully and seeing what your reference book says about them.
One of the best pratic can be to get an opinion from a more experienced collector/dealer if you are unsure.

Where can I find collectible coins?

Online, in the Web:
Hundreds of dealers offer coins on the Internet and online services. Make sure the shop has a reasonable return policy before ordering.

Auctions Houses:
The rarest and most expensive coins are often available only at auctions promoted by major specialty auction firms, same of them can be found in our directory.

Coin shops:
Dealers with their own stores can be good resources for information as well as coins. Find a dealear you can trust close to your location and surely he will help you a lot.

Coin shows, Antik market, Flea market, Bazars.
Here you can shop from several dealers at once. The selection can be better than at most shops, and you may be able to get better prices due to the presence of competition.
Coins are sometimes available at flea markets, antique shows, craft fairs and other events where they are not the primary focal point. Because there is little if any competition for the seller prices can be inflated, extra caution is warranted in these situations.

Other collectors
It's not often easy to locate another collector selling what you want, but when it happens, you may get a better price. Attend some local coin club meetings or see in coin shows.

What is grading of a coin? 

 The condition of a coin is commonly summarized by a grade.
A comparing table og grading made in different countries can be found in our italian coins cataloue.

How the price of a coin can be determined?

Coin prices, as every other goods, are a function of supply and demand.
Demand is ultimately established by collectors and investors. Published price catalogues list typical prices for retail transactions, actual prices may be somewhat higher or lower.

What's the best way to clean my coins?       

Please do not clean any kind of coins. While you might think they'll look nicer if shiny, collectors prefer coins with an original appearance. Cleaning a coin may reduce its collector value by half or more.

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Numismatic space

Numismatics is the study or collection of currency

