Italian coins Repubblica

Description and catalogue value of italian coins 1943 - 2001.
500 lire caravelle500 lire braille

Italian coins Vittorio Emanuele III

here you can find a catalogue of
Vittorio Emanuele III coins.
Italian Coins Vittorio Emanuele IIIibidem

Error Euro

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Italian Mint Errors

Italian Mint Errors

1 cent italy muleMint errors have always fascinated numismatists interested in learning about
the minting process. This year with the phenomena of Euro we assist to a lot
of errors. In Italy we had a lot of discussion about a strange error.
A woman bought a sample kit of Euro coins on Wednesday (December 2001), and found
that a one-cent coin had been minted in the same size as the two-cent Euro
To her was told: "Bring it back to us as quickly as possible," when she
reported her find to the Bank of Italy.
Italy's national mint, the Instituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, told
the papers that errors were practically impossible.
But it was thought that technicians may have forgotten to change design
matrixes when moving from production of one-cent pieces to that of two-cent
coins. More probably they wanted to forgot to change design matrixes.
The value of the coins seem to be around 2500 Euro.
A Zecca director told the Italian news agency Ansa, "two or three coins at
most were minted like that".
From the information I have Probably exist 50 of this coins!
There is a big problem about this coin. I understand that currency from 1
Cent badly coined face news but the coin is a "not coins".
For law a currency we must respect requirement of the decree ministerial
that authorizes circulation, all that does not correspond to requirement,
even if coined from the mint, it cannot have circulation and the State of
Italy have the possession. It achieves that this coin belong, of fact, to
the State that, through the men of the Financial police, can proceed. It's
absolutely not allowed to sell this coin!

Update 2013


One of the most famous auction house Bolaffi have now this 1cent-2cent piece and is willing to sold it on next auction.

The Image is taken from Bolaffi website and the value of the coins is evaluate in thousands of Euro. We can now see the coin in auction because there was a lawsuit between Bolaffi and the Italian Mint about the possession of this coin. The court of Rome (1278/13) have lay down that Bolaffi is the owner of the mule and can sell it.
In 2002 Bolaffi have advertise to have purchased 6 pieces of this particular coin. After the coins have been confiscate by the Italian Authority.
One piece of this cent will be sold on 23th May with a base auction of 2.500 Euro.

Euro Error Catalogue

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