Italian coins Repubblica

Description and catalogue value of italian coins 1943 - 2001.
500 lire caravelle500 lire braille

Italian coins Vittorio Emanuele III

here you can find a catalogue of
Vittorio Emanuele III coins.
Italian Coins Vittorio Emanuele IIIibidem

Error Euro

If you are interested in some Euro errors of the European Mints.
Euro Error
All the information about errors I've found on the net about the Euro.

Italian Euro

A Short description about the Italian Euro.

Italian Euro Italian Euro

Vatican Euro

A Short description about the Vatican Euro.

Vatican Euro Vatican Euro

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my name is Alessandro, Welcome in my own web site, this site is purely for collectors who exchange coins. I C
ome from Florence (Italy). I am thankful to you for visiting my own Website. If you fill please contact me on my E-mail. I collect world coins of every type.
If you want to trade with me, please email me with what you have to offer.
Enjoy coin collecting!

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