Italian coins Repubblica

Description and catalogue value of italian coins 1943 - 2001.
500 lire caravelle500 lire braille

Italian coins Vittorio Emanuele III

here you can find a catalogue of
Vittorio Emanuele III coins.
Italian Coins Vittorio Emanuele IIIibidem

Error Euro

If you are interested in some Euro errors of the European Mints.
Euro Error
All the information about errors I've found on the net about the Euro.

Italian Euro

A Short description about the Italian Euro.

Italian Euro Italian Euro

Vatican Euro

A Short description about the Vatican Euro.

Vatican Euro Vatican Euro

Tools for Numismatic and Currency

World currency converter
Euro Currency converter
Scanner Images
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Contact me if you wish your add here.

Numismatic Directory

Directory about numismatic. Write me if you wish to be included here. We do not promise that all our submissions will result in successful directory listings.


World Coins (73)
Directory for world numismatic links - divided by country

Catalogues (12)
Catalogue of coins, modern and ancient

False coins (7)
Catalogues of False Coins


Italian Auction Houses (18)

Online Auctions (41)

Error Coins:

Error Coins (10)
Price of error coins, american, euro and others


Numismatic forum (3)
Forum about ancient and modern coins

Groups - Associations:

Groups and Associations (4)
Wordwide Group and Associations

Meeting - in Italy:

Convegni numismatici [ita]
Convegni Verona, Bologna, S.Marino, ecc.

Utility - Useful Tools:

Read numbers in other languages (7)
How to read Arabic Amharic Japanese Myanmar Nepali Thai numbers

Arabic Numbers
How to read Arabic numbers

Tools for Numismatic and Currency (6)
World currency converter, Euro Currency converter, How to scan coins

Italian Castom [ITA] - Calcolo Dazi doganali
Calcolo DAU - IVA - TARIC manuale per importare-esportare monete con l'estero

How to Calculate the Specific Gravity of a Coin [ENG]
Manual to calculate the SG of a coin with great precision

Calcolo del peso specifico di una moneta [ITA]
Come calcolare con ottima precisionme il peso specifico di una moneta

Euro Coins:

Euro coins (4)
Euro coins catalogue, mintage and others

Articles, books and Others:

Articles, books and Others (17)
Open-Access Text and book Archives

Roberto d'Angi (1309-1343) - Gigliato Pratese
Italian medioeval coin [ITA]

Vatican - Stemmi Papali:
Very nice list of Popes, useful for recognising Vatican coins

Pontefici - The Open Encyclopedia Project
A very detailed list of Popes and their "Stemma" - professional dealer of
Vatican City, Italy and San Marino lire coins

Websites of collectors:

List of collectors (4)
Trader list - coin and bankote collectors.


Monedas Bimetalicas
List of Bimetallic coins

Worldwide Bi-Metallic Collectors Club
The Worldwide Bi-Metallic Collectors Club (WBCC) is the Internet gathering place for collectors interested in Bi-Metallic and Tri-metallic Coins, Medals, Tokens, Encased Coins, Ecus and Euros.

Reliable Chinese and asian dealers
you must make your own judgment
Very good digital scales and other instrument
Coin collector portal

Ancient Greek & Roman Coins
An Educational Site on Roman Coins, Greek Coins and other Ancient Coins.

5 Tips on How to Find a Coin Dealer
Here's How to Find a Coin Dealer Who is Honest and Ethical.

About registered mail - Raccomandata indescritta [ITA]
Information about italian registered mail - ITA.

If you would like to be included in this list please contact me, link have to be evaluate.

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Numismatic space

Numismatics is the study or collection of currency

