Italian coins Repubblica

Description and catalogue value of italian coins 1943 - 2001.
500 lire caravelle500 lire braille

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500 Lire

500 Lire Bimetallic


500 Lire Italy Reverse500 Lire Italy Obverse

Circulation dates and Values.

Update 2010. Values are in Euro.
Date Mintage x1000 Rarity Value  VF Value  XF Value  UNC
1982 162.000 C 0,3 0,6 1,6
1983 138.000 C 0,3 0,8 2,0
1984 162.000 C 0,3 0,8 1,9
1985 162.000 C 0,3 0,8 1,8
1986 165.000 C 0,3 0,6 1,8
1987 200.000 C 0,3 0,6 1,6
1988 142.000 C 0,3 0,8 1,9
1989 155.000 C 0,3 0,6 1,6
1990 130.000 C 0,3 0,6 1,6
1991 140.000 C 0,3 0,8 1,9
1992 150.000 C 0,3 0,6 1,6
1993 sp 90.000 C 0,5 1,0 2,0
1994 sp 50.000 C 0,5 1,2 2,5
1995 110.000 C 0,3 0,8 1,9
1996 sp 97.000 C 0,5 1,0 2,0
1997 sp 40.000 C 0,5 1,2 2,5
1998 sp 100.000 C 0,3 0,8 1,9
1999 sp 50.000 UC 1,0 2,0 4,0
2000 MS
2001 MS
Read about values in Ialian Coins page.
Diameter: 25,8 mm
Metals: inner side: Bronzital = Bronze alloy
 Outside: Acmonital
Weight: 6,8 g

(Km# 111): This coin was minted in the years you see on the left. Difficult to found are: none.
The Bi
metallic 500 Italian Lira is probably the best coin of the republic.
A very beautiful and interesting coin, as well as having two colours, gold and silver, the 500 Lira was the first bimetal coin minted in the world.
It is the world’s first coin to be issued with Braille on the reverse!
With the recent introduction of the Euro dollar, these Italian coins will no doubt become rare coins and therefore a must in any serious coin collection.

Alternate smooth and Ruled border

500 Lire 1993 centenario(Km# 160):
500 Lire 1994 Luca pacioli(Km# 167):
500 Lire 1996 Istat(Km# 181): 1996 Istat
500 Lire 1997 Polizia di Stato(Km#187): 1997
500 Lire 1998 IFAD(Km# 193): 1998

500 Lire 1999 Parlamento Europeo(Km# 203): 1999 
Mostrly of 1999 coins were retired before entering in circulation.



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