Italian coins Repubblica

Description and catalogue value of italian coins 1943 - 2001.
500 lire caravelle500 lire braille

Italian coins Vittorio Emanuele III

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Vittorio Emanuele III coins.
Italian Coins Vittorio Emanuele IIIibidem

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Vittorio Emanuele 2 Lira

Vitt. Emanuele III 2 Lira Buono

Circulation dates and Values

Update 2012. Values are in Euro.
Date Mintage x1000 Rarity Value VF Value XF Value UNC
1923 32.260 C 6,0 15,0 100,0
1924 45.050 C 6,0 15,0 100,0
1925 14.628 UC 30,0 150,0 450,0
1926 5.101 R 110,0 800,0 2000,0
1927 1.631 RR 280,0 2200,0 4500,0
Read about values in Ialian Coins page.


These coins where made to replace the "Biglietti di Stato" a paper money currency that were in use.
The other 2 Lira coins were in silver 835 and were made until 1917. Also after 1936 the 2 lira coins were minted. The world BVONO, or BUONO as we say today, means "good for", it was written on paper money and coins because the rules of Latin Monetary Union states that coins had to be in silver. Due to the shortage of silver after the WWI some countries started to mint coins with different silver content and this was one of the reasons of failure of Latin Monetary Union in 1927.In the same period there were also similar Belgian and Romanian coins, France had issued the chamber of commerce coins. The paper money "Buoni di Cassa" or "Biglietti di stato" were low value paper money printed to limit the circulation of metal coins, were printer from 1893 until 1928. The Authority was only the National Treasury and not a Bank for this reason we can only say "Biglietti di stato" (National money) and not only "Banconote" (money of the Bank)


This coin were quite big and made with a soft alloy, for this reason a good quality specimen and especially a UNC coin is very rare.

catalogue rif: Krause KM63; Montenegro 161-165; Gigante 106-109; Pagani 741-744
Diameter:29 mm
Metals: Iron and Nickel
Weight: 10 g

This coin was minted in the years you see on the left. Difficult to found are: 1926 and 1927 (this one is very rare).

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