Italian coins Repubblica

Description and catalogue value of italian coins 1943 - 2001.
500 lire caravelle500 lire braille

Italian coins Vittorio Emanuele III

here you can find a catalogue of
Vittorio Emanuele III coins.
Italian Coins Vittorio Emanuele IIIibidem

Error Euro

If you are interested in some Euro errors of the European Mints.
Euro Error
All the information about errors I've found on the net about the Euro.

Italian Euro

A Short description about the Italian Euro.

Italian Euro Italian Euro

Vatican Euro

A Short description about the Vatican Euro.

Vatican Euro Vatican Euro

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Euro Error Common

Euro Error

 Error_common_blanck_1e_03.jpg Error_common_blanck_1e_02.jpg
This coin is a 1 Euro planket, came from an automatic highway machines. It has an almost uncirculated aspect, in pictures scratches are more evident. Weight of the coin is the same of 1 euro and height of border is a little more than 1 struck euro. The edge is plain.
There is no evidence of struck on both edges. Ha a magnetic behaviour like a normal 1 euro coin.
Tanks to Vittorio P.

2 euro coin with no images or die print. This is a Euro Planket
Thanks to Miguel C.

2 Cent struck only one side. from MonedaMania

This nice error is a 1 Cent coin with two reverses. (The owner of the coin is Chris R. M. from U.S.A.)

Again this is a cent mule, founded by Martin W. from Sweden. (thank you Martin)

All 8 Euro Planket, the image is provided by Richard

This nice error is a 10 cent struck only one side, the nice image is provided by Richard.

5 Euro Cent Mint web Scrap. This is a piece where the 5 Euro Cent planchets are cut from. Thank yoy Sebastian R. for the interesting image.

This Image was found on a Russian website.

1 Euro

This is what says JK:
"This is in fact not an error but something done by someone after the coin left the mint.  The coin designs are struck all at once - therefore, it is not possible for the Mint to put the center in backwards with a design on it.   If a design does not match in this manner, it was done after the coin was struck."


Home of Attila Coin Site

This other nice image was provided by Thanos S.



2 Euro with weack die - The images were provided by MrScotch

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