Black Lists

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Black Lists
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badcol.htm (of Costantino).

Bad Traders(of David Rivera)

Bad Collectors - Simply Thefts (of Victor Roman Ravidinovski - Belarus)

Bad Collectors(of Vasily Vasilenko)

vahetus.htm (of Rasmus)

black list - (of Vincenzo De Rosa)

Bad collectors - (of Astrid Maria)

Be_Aware_of_Bad_Traders(by Gianna R. G.)
This is a yahoo group

Black list of collectors - bad Swappers

Bad Swappers - Black list of collectors

Page 3

This information was on the page (of Martha Elena).
This page was hosted by geocities, and, as many other websites, this page is no longher available.
If you feel that this page should not be reported here conttact me.
I'm not responsable for any information reported here, please veryfy always this data.

In here I've placed reports from all over the world of people who didn't send the items they promised.
If you find your name in here, please contact the person who put you in. I'm not responsible for all the posts in here.just the ones I made!

NAME: José Gerardo García Mora "José García"
COUNTRY: Costa Rica (San José, the capital city)
COLLECTS: Phonecards, banknotes and coins, stamps, postcards, matchboxes
REPORTED BY: Xenophon Alexopulus from Greece: José recieved the items I sent him on August 23rd, 2001 and he has never sent anyhitng back or replied mi mails.  I know of 8 cases like mine, the first in 1994. He changes e-mail addresses all the time, but one who works now is written above
POSTED IN:  November 27th, 2001

NAME: "Ladiee Miserable"
REPORTED BY: Martha E. Hegewisch. We exchanged stamps for postcards on May, and she let me know she got them. Since then she has never replied to my e-mails, made her e-mail account private. She is the founder of "International Postcards House" yahoo group
POSTED IN: October, 2001

NAME: Hosein Alsanki
COLLECTS: Postcards
REPORTED BY: Martha E. Hegewisch  I sent him one postcard on september 2000... he never replied to my mails again and of course I've never got the card
POSTED IN: August, 2001

NAME: Vina Mikael
COUNTRY: Singapore
COLLECTS: Postcards
REPORTED BY: Martha E. Hegewisch. I sent her 4 cards on september 14, 2000. By november I had e-mailed her 3 times with no answer .  She answered to my 4th mail that she didn't recieve my cards either, but she was gona send a 2nd envelope, which of course never arrived. On August, 2001 I started mailing her again many times and in the last mail I doubted that she ever sent some...well.. I'm quoting her answer "Anyway no one called you a botherer. I just called you a silly person who likes to assume the WORST in others. Get a life. If you even  have one"
POSTED IN: August, 2001

NAME: Alberto Poblete
COUNTRY: Saudi Arabia or Philippines
COLLETCS: Phonecards
REPORTED BY: Martha E. Hegewisch. He recieved the phonecards I sent him on March and he even had the nerve to demand me that I didn't send enough "face" phonecards. On november 2001, after many mails he begged me not to put him on a black list, that he was going to send. Of course he hasn't done it
POSTED IN: February 2002

NAME: Juan Cabrera
COLLECTS: Postcards, stamps, phonecards
REPORTED BY: Bárbara Almeida. She sent him 10 cards which he recieved in may 2001, but he told her he was recovering from an  accident and that he sent the cards on july. They have never arrived and he has stop answering mails
POSTED IN: September, 2001

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