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IRAN 20 Rials SH1368 - 1989 Variant

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The coin commemorates the 8 years of sacred defense, the was against Iraq 1980-1988.
After studying this coin I noticed there was a lot of chaos about the many variation of dies. I've asked to many Iranian collector and I received some different answers, with the help of this and a study of large quantity of coins I had finally the cleanliness.
Also in Internet and from Krause staff I've found some information but not complete.
Let's see the differences.

Die Variations.

This coin have 4 die variations:
  • 1 - Obverse with 22 dots - reverse 20 small - rim sloping to field - Krause 1254,1
  • 2 - Obverse with 22 dots - reverse 20 big - rim not sloping to field - Krause 1254,2
  • 3 - Obverse with 20  dots - reverse 20 big - Krause 1254,3
  • 4 - Obverse with 20 dots - reverse 20 small - Krause MISSING
So there are 2 variation ether in 20 dot coin and 22 dot coin, this have probably done some misinterpretation.

Iran 20 Rials SH1368 22 dots - KM1254,1

Obverse with 22 dots, the rim is degradate to the field and the coin have less relief.
The number 20 is also smaller.
The Krause catalog indicate thickness 1,48mm (I don't know of what) - Krause 1254,1

Click to enlarge

Iran 20 Rials SH1368 22 dots - KM1254,2

The 1254,2 have a thick rim and does not slope to field, have a marked line, the coin also have higher relief.
also have a bigger character 20.

Click to enlarge

Comparison Iran 20 Rials SH1368 22 dots

Comparison between the 1254.1 and the 1254.2 analysis of obverse:
the 1254.1 is the right one, the rim slope to the inner field the coin have less relief, the character 20 is smaller.
the 1254.2 is the left one, have the rim thicker and does nor slope to field, the coin have higher relief  and the 20 is bigger.
Click to enlarge

This is the images of Reverses, also here it is possible to see:
Image right - 1254.1 sloping rim
Image left - 1254.2 Plain high rim
Click to enlarge

In the following image a difference between two coin have been marked
In 1254.1, that have less relief, the character 2 have a strong hollow in the arrow point (see image) in this point the character slope to field, this does not happen in 1254.2, touching the coin it is possible to see the difference in relief (for UNC coins the difference it is more remarkable), the image it is the same you can find above, you can open  that one to see this difference better.

In this image you can see the difference between the 20 characters
The black line is 1254.2 the red line is the more common 1254.1
On Obverse only the 20 value have this difference, all other parts of the coin are equal
There are not difference in thickness between the two coins. The 1254.1 have a variable weight of 4,53g and 4,57g, rarely it is possible to find higher weights, the 1254.2 instead have a variable weight from 4,58g and 4,62g so it is generally heavier.
Attention, somethimes it is possible to find coins 1254.1 with rim similar to a flat rim, with absentee slope, but the are not 1254.2 and the 20 character it is always bigger and with less relief.

the 1254.2 is rare, in Iran have a higher value, about double of the value.
this is my personal stat:
over 47 coins 41 were found to be 1254.1 and 5 were 1254.2

Iran 20 Rials SH1368 20 dots - KM1254,3

Now the other typology of 20 rials, the one with 20 dots, this is the image of 1254.3 obverse and reverse.
Click to enlarge
1254.3 - Obverse with 20 dot, character 20 big, the coin have always high relief compared with the two types analyzed before.
Weight variable between 4,57g and 4,65g

this type have also a variation I was able to find, I've discovered that this coin have a different die with a smaller 20, in this case it is more difficult to notice the difference because there is no rim difference.

Iran 20 Rials SH1368 20 dots - KM NEW - I would say "1254,4"

This one is the new variation I would call it "1254.4"
Click to enlarge
1254.4 - Obverse with 20 dots, character 20 small, the coin have always high relief compared with the first two types analyzed before.
Weight variable between
4,58g and 4,63g.

Comparison Iran 20 Rials SH1368 20 dots

Here better highlighted the difference between the two types, red line 1254,3, black line 1254,4.
About the rarities over a stat of 79 pieces I've found:
71 coins 1254.3
8 coins 1254.4


Exist 4 variation of this coin
  • 1 - Obverse with 22 dots - reverse 20 small - rim sloping to field - Krause 1254,1
  • 2 - Obverse with 22 dots - reverse 20 big - rim not sloping to field - Krause 1254,2
  • 3 - Obverse with 20  dots - reverse 20 big - Krause 1254,3
  • 4 - Obverse with 20 dots - reverse 20 small - Krause MISSING
Complete population used for this study: 126 pieces
The collector Alessandro Attila

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